ellen kessler
ellen kessler
as a videographer, ellen is driven by a passion for capturing the beauty and authenticity of the world around her. Her work spans a range of themes, including fashion trailers, ads, short films, and social media content.
with a deep commitment to authenticity and a celebration of queer identities, ellen's work challenges traditional beauty standards and highlights the diversity and individuality of her subjects. through her lens, she captures the raw and authentic essence of people and their stories, creating videos that are both visually stunning and emotionally powerful.
whether producing image-based advertisements, music videos, or short films, ellen's work is characterized by a bold and vibrant aesthetic that reflects her unique perspective on the world. her videos are a celebration of fashion, music, and art, and offer a glimpse into the vibrant and creative communities that inspire her.
ultimately, ellen's goal as a videographer is to use her art to connect with others and create a more inclusive and authentic world.